Tuesday, October 30, 2012


All these layaway commercials about Christmas make me think of my own childhood. There some things I really really wanted but never got, and other toys I was lucky enough to get. Toys in the 90's were just dang good. Want to reminisce with me?

#1 Skydancers! You were nobody in first grade if you did not have one of these. They were seriously so awesome. Just pull the string and they fly up in the air. This was one of those toys I was lucky enough to have.

#2 Real Polly Pockets. Not these rubbery ones that my little sisters play with. The ones that you actually lost because they were so tiny and you could fit their whole play house in your pocket.

#3 KerPlunk!!! So fun! Try to pull out as many sticks as you can without making the marbles fall!

#4 Pound Puppies! I never got one of these, but I did get something similar and I loved it to death.

#5 I love this game too. It had credit cards and everything. Who doesn't love a game about shopping with an automated voice that told you when you were out of money?

#6 Probably not everybody remembers this one. It was a doll that came with a stroller that could convert to a carrier and a doll bed. Basically awesome right? I asked and asked for this one and was so disappointed when I didn't get it that year. I did get it the next year, and trust me, it was awesome just like I thought it would be. But i was not as into dolls by then. Oh well :) still was fun!

#7 My favorite computer game of all time. Designing Barbie's outfits. You could actually print them out on a fabric paper and use them too.

#8 The ever popular Nano Pet! I lost mine and it was devastating. But boy did I love that little electronic puppy.

#9 Lite Bright! So cool!

#10 Easy Bake Oven. Yes when I was little my mom bought mine at a yard sale. But it was the best thing in my life. My love of baking started at an early age.

Wow this post has a lot of  pink. Obviously I was a girly-girl when I was little. And if you could write blogs in pen, this one would be written in gel pen. Now wasn't that fun? Ok back to present day where if toys don't have a light up screen, lights, or automatic sounds they are boring. Oh goodness.

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