Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thank Goodness its Thursday

Bam! Best way to kick off the first round of midterms of the semester is with a 100%. Who got this good grade? That's right, this girl did! I wish I could have taken a picture of that exciting moment. But I didn't want to look like a weirdo standing right in front of the score screen at the testing center and holding my phone up to it. But it was a beautiful moment. It just adds to the awesomeness of my Thursdays.
Thursdays are awesome for a lot of reasons. First off Thursdays are my Fridays! No school Friday! Okay so I do have work still, but that's better than school. Plus, the Mr. doesn't have school on Friday either so sometimes we let ourselves stay up an extra half hour on Thursday nights. We are a real exciting couple huh? Anddddd the Office! Definently an awesome part of Thursdays. Who doesn't love a good weekly dose of Dwight and Jam/Pim?? Its hard to combine Jim and Pam into 1 word. My family has decided that Natalie+Doug= Nug. Not much better, but it is what it is I suppose.
The Mr. Husband made breakfast for dinner tonight. It was so yummy! Nothing like the classic eggs and pancake combo. Who needs Ihop when you can make your own so yummy and quick (and cheaper)? Plus we have this amazing homemade buttermilk syrup in our fridge right now. It is something else. I would drink it if it wouldn't automatically clog my arteries with sugar. It tastes like caramel and is heavenly on all things requiring syrup. Maple syrup does not even compare.
Also, this has nothing to do with Thursdays, but have had these two songs on repeat on my computer almost every day since I first heard them two weeks ago. If you have never heard of Imagine Dragons, you should check them out. They are a band that started here in Provo, and now they are making it to the big time. I have even heard their songs on the radio before.  

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