Monday, January 28, 2013

Cheesecake and Coffee Tables

So not much to update the world on... We are just living life, doing our thing.
There has been seriously so much snow in Utah this year and I am ready for it to go away! Especially since I have to drive to my internship everyday and driving in the snow is incredibly scary.

We had a fun time this weekend. Friday, Doug picked me up from work and we went to the Cheesecake Factory to pick up some cheesecake for later that night! An expensive dessert, but so delicious. Have I mentioned we love wedding gift cards? We tried the white chocolate raspberry, the caramel pecan turtle, and a peanut butter chocolate one. Yummm.

So after picking up our cheesecake we buzzed over to Costco for our glamorous main course: pizza. Hey its cheap and good pizza I might add. Then we made one more stop at Ikea before we went home. We finally have a coffee table! We had been using a big plastic tub as our coffee table since we moved in. I was more than happy to put that thing away in the closet where it belongs. Now we are one step closer to not living like poor college students.  (The table was only $20 btw... such a steal!) We ended the evening with a movie as we assembled our table and ate our cheesecake.

Saturday was the usual: running errands, working out, lounging. That night, we went to BYU's production of the Phantom of the Opera. It was amazing! I love love love that musical. All the actors and actresses did an amazing job and the costumes were fabulous. There is really nothing that compares to watching a performance live. Movies just don't always cut it. Yeah sure the effects are cooler and movie sets are always grander, but listening to the vocals live is such an amazing experience.

I feel so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I do not know how I got so lucky to be surrounded by great friends, wonderful family and the best husband. They are all being so loving and supportive as I try to figure out this internship thing. I am sure I can be a grump sometimes after spending 12 hours a day gone, but they never complain. Doug is being so wonderful and helping out with things around the house like making dinner and cleaning up. I am seriously one lucky gal.

Yay for coffee tables!
P.S. The white chocolate raspberry was my favorite, then the peanut butter, and the caramel cheesecake came in third. Just in case my opinion matters to you and you are getting cheesecake soon...

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