Friday, January 18, 2013

One cold January night

Being a working girl is tough! Where does my time go? Basically I figured out that by the time I get home I have a solid 2 and a half to 3 hours before I have to go to bed. That is not much time! In that time I have to make dinner and eat, clean up from dinner, maybe hopefully work out, and connect with my husband plus do anything else that is on the agenda like run errands, or visit people. There are not enough hours in the day. I have a new appreciation for single working parents. I cannot imagine the crazy life they live and how they get everything done in a day.

So last week I realized that it had been 1 year since Doug and I got engaged. We got engaged on January 11, 2012. Just after the new year. So I thought I would tell you the story of how Doug proposed to me.

We had gone ring shopping together right after Christmas, after spending Christmas break away from each other. So it was not a complete shocker that we got engaged....I knew it was coming eventually, I just didn't know when. It had been pretty busy for both of us. We both had a full schedule of classes and work and the beginning of the semester is always busy. With roommates and such it was hard for us to find any alone time together. We decided that we would go visit Doug's family for MLK day because we both didn't have school Friday or Monday. So the Wednesday night before, Doug suggested that we do a Thursday-night date the next day to have some alone time just for ourselves away from roommates and before we had to be around family. Of course I agreed. He told me to dress warm since we would be going up in the canyon. I was prepared. This is January in Utah we are talking about here! Its cold. I had on a sweatshirt and a coat and ear warmers. Not taking any chances here.

When he picked me up he told me that we were going to have a bonfire. I love bonfires and all but in January?? Yeah I was a little surprised that was the activity he picked, but I didn't question. We got our blankets, wood and matches and headed up the canyon. We went to a park in Provo Canyon where we used to have a lot of bonfires with our friends the summer we met. We had our January bonfire at the very same spot that we first held hands. Very sentimental and romantic of course.

After a good 20 minutes of us shivering and trying to coax the flame alive we finally had a small fire barely warm enough to heat our fingers, but hey at least we had a little heat. We started talking about our days and sharing what we had learned in our classes this week. It was a normal conversation so I didn't think too much about it. Yes it was a little weird to have a bonfire in the middle of winter, but it was fun to be there with my sweetheart.

After we talked for a bit, Doug said he had something to show me. Out of a grocery bag he pulled a little day planner. Inside the day planner was a ton of writing. Now Doug is not the planning type, so I was a bit confused. He began to explain to me that ever since our first date he had kept track of what we had done everyday we had been together. He had everything written down from simply "ate dinner together and took a walk" to "had our first fight" and "she first said 'I love you.'" I was so surprised that he had done this! I didn't even have a record like this! It was so cute to see all the little things he wrote about us.

By this time I had a little tiny whisper of a thought entered my head that maybe he was proposing because this was too cute and too planned to be just a normal date. But I quickly dismissed that thought because I knew that he hadn't finalized everything with purchasing the ring and getting it resized.

Then Doug said he had something else to show me. He pulled out a calendar with cupcakes on it. I had mentioned in passing that I was going to need a new calendar for the new year and he bought one for me! Inside he wrote little things on the days we did them. For example he wrote things like, "I said I love you on this day" or "we kissed for the first time one year ago" on the corresponding date. He then flipped to the January page and showed me the Sunday previous where he wrote "We told your parents we were going to get married." Then he showed me January 11th where he wrote: The day we got engaged! I gasped and exclaimed, "But that's today!!" Then he got down on his knee and asked if I would marry him. I didn't say yes... I said "of course!!!" I didn't know whether I should cry or laugh or smile or squeal. I was so happy.

By the time we had composed ourselves a little bit, we were so freezing cold! We quickly put out the fire so that we could ditch the cold. We went and got cupcakes at our favorite Sweet Tooth Fairy and called our families to tell them that everything was official now. It was so great to be engaged. Turns out he had bought the ring like 4 days before without me knowing it would be done so soon. That sneaky boy. Oh how I love him. Now I get to keep that calendar forever and always remember when we got engaged and the other little cute notes he wrote in it.

Can you tell that it was cold?
Hope the story was at least mildly entertaining. If nothing else, it was good to write down for posterity. 

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