Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Can I just say how so very happy I am about my new married last name? I love it! Parker is the perfect last name. Simple. not too overly common, but not strange. Its just normal.
Unfortunately, after you are married it takes quite a while to change your name on every single document and  at every single place you ever have an account. So half the time I get to sign Natalie Parker, and the other half I am still signing Natalie Crystal.

I have had a few issues with my old last name. For some reason, people just don't understand.
This is how the conversation went at the pharmacy today (where I am still listed as Natalie Crystal).

ME: I have a pick up for Natalie Crystal. C-R-Y
PHARMACIST: Crystal is the last name?
ME: Yup!

Ok really, does she think I forgot my own last name? My name was only Natalie Crystal for 21 years of my life. Did she think my name was Nataliecrystal as if it were all one word? I don't understand it. I even started spelling it so it would be 100% clear that it was the last name.

This is how the pharmacy conversation was the previous time:

ME: I have a prescription to pick up.
PHARMACIST: What's the last name?
ME: Crystal.
PHARMACIST (in a skeptical voice): That is your last name?
ME: Yes it is.

Come on people. This conversation is really getting old. And it happens more often than you might think. Every time I walked into the orthodontist office it was, "Hey Crystal!" and I'm all, "Umm.. actually its Natalie." Then they are all, "Oh right! Welcome Natalie."
I really did like my last name. It was unique. It was simple. Was it really so difficult to think that my last name could be Crystal? Besides, why do they always ask if that is really my last name? Its not like I forgot what it was.

Anyways, enough of the name rant. I hopefully will start to hear less and less of those people questioning if I know my own name. And I can start signing Natalie Parker more often!

Yeah I am still trying to figure out my signature.

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