Thursday, August 8, 2013

Throwback Thursday #2

Throwback Thursday. Who started this thing? And why? I mean I guess it is fun to look back and reflect on past memories and good times. I haven't been alive that long, so my throwback only takes me to pictures filled with awkward teenage years, silly high school dress-up days, ugly 90's glasses, and bad haircuts. I suppose if I really try, Throwback Thursday can be quite therapeutic in a way. I get to reflect back and look at how much I've matured (I hope), not to mention how much better my hair looks now. Its fun to remember those carefree days with no bills, no stressful jobs, and really no other worries but if your first name sounds good paired with the cute guy from 4th period's last name. (Such a real worry by the way.)

You are in a for a treat today. Prepare yourself for what I have dubbed Transformation Throwback. I have chosen to share with you my picture from freshman year of high school, and my picture from senior year. Nothing like a transformation photo to remind you how blissful it is to know you never have to go back to being between the ages of 12-14 again. At least by the time I got to high school I was braces-free. Thank you Dr. Haslam for taking those off 8 days before that terrifying first day of high school.

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