Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5 Things You Maybe Didn't Know

1. Loves to eat 2nd dinner about 9:00pm. Anything works from crackers and peanut butter to cookies or sometimes even a fried pork chop.
2. Super loves playing basketball. I think he would die without this sport in his life.
3. Has a thing for collecting sitcoms. We have all 9 seasons of Seinfeld, all the released seasons of the Office, and have the 3 released seasons of Community.
4. Always does the dishes for me :)
5. Can never remember his dreams.

1. Can't leave the house without a tube of chapstick in her pocket.
2. Hates chopping up cilantro (but doesn't mind eating it)
3. Always has her toenails painted. I am pretty sure they have not been bare since I was maybe 14.
4. Loves to stay organized and make lists-grocery lists, cleaning lists, to-do lists. Anything that can be written in a list, I make one.
5. Has never played Monopoly.

1. Have an obsession with chocolate chip cookies. (Too bad it can't be carrots, those are easier to work off)
2. Both loved the movie Wreck It Ralph.
3. Don't like to cuddle while we sleep--only before. We have to each roll on to our own sides to fall asleep.
4. Enjoy watching the Food Network.
5. Can both wakeboard!

Oh gosh I love that boy! He makes me laugh so hard.

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